SMWS Masterclass – BEMÆRK kræver, at man har købt entrébillet til Whiskymessen

Kl.10.30: Køb billet her
Kl.12.30: Køb billet her
Kl.14.30: køb billet her
Kl.16.30: Køb billet her

Mød Gabrielé som guider dig igennem foredrag – foredraget er på engelsk og finder sted i lokale 21+22 på 2 sal i Sydbank Arena.

This year for the Kolding whisky fair, the SMWS offers introductory classes to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society. Ever wondered what the Society is about, what it represents and what is at the core of the organisation? Stop by at the intro to the SMWS class, where you can hear more about the history, and learn how to work out which flavour profile of whisky you belong to. Does the code on the bottle look complicated?

We can teach you how to read it!

And if all of the points outlined above did not convince you to get your hands on one of these tickets, this just might: THERE WILL BE WHISKY!

The introduction to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society is going to be concluded with a whisky tasting of the main flavour categories. So get your hands on a pass, and we will get you a glass!

The 1 hour-long or so classes are scheduled throughout the day of the fair, and are going to be delivered by a SMWS ambassador, within the SMWS Denmark organisation

Begrænset antal pladser til hver smagning.

Smagningen finder sted den 3. marts 2018 på 2. sal hos Sydbank Arena (Kræver at man har købt entré til Whiskymessen). Min. 18 år for deltagelse og der tages forbehold for ændringer i produkterne.

– Vi fremsender ikke en fysisk billet, medbring blot en ordrekopi, som kommer på mail

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